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More than 10 million euros for Human-centered AI research at ELSA Labs

NWO and the Dutch AI Coalition have launched the NWA call “Human-centered AI for an inclusive society – toward an ecosystem of trust. After review by an independent NWO review committee, five projects were honored. Researchers from knowledge institutions and public and private organizations will contribute to knowledge for the development and application of reliable, human-centered AI in ELSA Labs. In total, the projects have been allocated more than 10.9 million euros.

The research is conducted within co-creative environments. These so-called ELSA Labs (“Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects”) are the places where research on technological developments takes place in conjunction with ethical, legal, societal and economic developments. The research based on the NWA call “Human-centered AI for an Inclusive Society” should support the development of technological innovations that safeguard public values and fundamental rights, respect – where possible strengthen – human rights, and gain public support. The research thus contributes to building an ecosystem of trust.

The projects run for five to six years. The allocations are divided into four categories: Defense, Justice and Security, Culture and Media, and Other Societal Challenges. Overall, they all have the “Economy and Domestic Governance” theme. These projects will jointly submit a network project in June 2022. This network project aims to generalize the research findings and scale up the solutions from the various ELSA Labs, generate a learning community and create a blueprint of an ELSA Lab.

Initiators of the call are the ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate, Defense, Justice and Security, Interior and Kingdom Relations and Education, Culture and Science.

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