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Partner event | Responsible development and implementation of AI
Responsible development and implementation of AI What are the issues, what is already in place, and what needs to be done? Health technology innovation, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) development, is

Next steps AI in Industry “Maintenance as a driver of digitization”
Photo: Business Developer Bart Beima | Magic timeline box | Breakout session AI Congress Next steps AI in Industry “Maintenance as a driver of digitization”” Recently, in various settings, we

Aftermovie & presentations of the AI Congress of the North
Photo: Niels van den Berg Looking back at the AI Congress of the North“The smart power of the network” On Friday, October 28, the Groninger Forum was filled with a

Big role artificial intelligence expected
Big role artificial intelligence expected Dagblad van het Noorden 29.10.2022 | John Geijp View the article in pdf? Click here

Promotion Days
Promotion Days | “AI, it’s ‘not’ that hard!” At the invitation of the Municipality of Groningen , the AI-Hub North Netherlands is present at the Promotion Days. During an interactive session, our

The AI Congress of the North.
The AI Congress of the North. The smart power of the network Artificial intelligence or also known as AI touches virtually every organization. There are still many questions about its