Connecting Business & AI
The AI Hub North Netherlands is there for entrepreneurs, knowledge institutions, organizations and governments in the northern region that want to cooperate on a national and international level to discover the possibilities of AI and deploy it in a reliable way for a future-proof society.
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Looking back at theAI Congress of the North
“The smart power of the network”
FRIDAY, OCT. 28, 2022
Exciting, fascinating, inspiring, great, interesting … just a few reactions after the fully booked AI-Congress of the North last Friday 28.10.2022 in the Forum Groningen. You literally felt the Smart Power of the Network.
Thank you Northern business community for your visit!
Click on the image to watch the aftermovie. Much viewing pleasure…
The AI Hub North Netherlands, in collaboration with the University of Groningen and prime mover, successfully submitted the grant application in the REACT-EU tender “from analog to digital.”
With the granting of the grant by the three northern provinces and the North Netherlands Cooperation Agency (SNN), the North Netherlands can fully participate in the many national and international initiatives aimed at the development and application of artificial intelligence, thus giving a further boost to the digitalization of the North.
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